Why should you join CORS?
If you are a part of the world of operations research, operations management, or analytics, whether as an academic or as a practitioner in industry, involvement in a professional society can take your work to the next level. While there are multiple OR societies outside Canada, CORS offers unique opportunities for its members. As a member of CORS, you will be able to grow your network of Canadian contacts and learn about current ground-breaking advancements developed by Canadian researchers. Members receive discounted registration fees for our annual conference. Members also gain access to the INFOR journal, the ISI-listed journal of CORS, and the CORS Bulletin, a newsletter of the Society and related activities. We additionally have specialized communities of local sections, student chapters, and special interest groups (SIGs), through which you and your research can gain visibility. Our members-only Mailing List provides immediate notification of new job opportunities and other announcements of interest to CORS members.
For academics, establishing ties with Canadians at CORS will expose your work to those who will review your Canadian grant applications. NSERC sends official representatives to speak to CORS members at our annual conference, and you will learn grant application tips and tricks directly from the source. The numerous individual awards presented by CORS will give you recognition and external validation of your research successes to help you make the cut in grant proposals.
For graduate students, if you are seeking academic positions in Canada, you will similarly benefit greatly from targeting your networking and exposure efforts at Canadian universities and faculty at CORS conferences. We also offer a CORS Diploma to certify your OR education regardless of the title of your degree program, and we offer student-only awards to boost your name recognition and give you external validation to help you stand out in job applications. To help you establish your Canadian network and to help your research gain exposure, we provide funding support for every CORS graduate student to attend our annual conference.
For industry practitioners, creating connections with Canadian OR researchers will shed light on your specific problems and may attract the best OR minds in Canada to collaborate with you to identify solutions. Local sections can help you focus on OR collaborations in your area, and student chapters can give you an opportunity to introduce your company to the next generation of great minds and potential employees. Connections with fellow industry practitioners will help you to join forces on common problems and solutions. Additionally, CORS offers the Omond Solandt award to recognize excellence in industry OR, which can help you attract future talent.
Are you a member of CORS/SCRO? If so, we would love to hear about the impact the Society has had on you! Please email info@cors.ca or tweet at the CORS President @CORS_President.