CORS/SCRO Commitment Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
CORS/SCRO recognizes that a more equitable, diverse and inclusive Society is paramount to achieve our core objective - the advancement of the theory and practice of Operational Research in Canada. CORS/SCRO is committed therefore to seeking diverse, equitable, and inclusive participation within our membership. To achieve these goals, CORS/SCRO is committed to [1]:
- Promoting the integration of equity, diversity and inclusion-related considerations in all our activities
- Increasing equitable and inclusive participation in the Society, including our SIGs, Sections, and Student Chapters, Council and other leadership positions
- Collecting the data and conducting the analyses needed to include equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in decision-making and to direct our improvement actions
- Supporting equitable access to funding opportunities, awards, and recognitions, for all members
With these commitments, CORS/SCRO will work with our membership to achieve an inclusive CORS/SCRO Society culture that is relevant and accessible to diverse populations.
Equity: Equity strives to treat everyone fairly with the recognition that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.
Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity means including a range of people and perspectives and Inclusion means the act of social inclusion of groups that are normally marginalized and the social values they subscribe to.
For the Society, we define EDI as a conscious effort to include a diverse range of social identities and perspectives including those normally marginalized in decision making on social and health issues that impact their lives.