

Article 1: Name

The Calgary Section of the Canadian Operational Research Society, hereinafter called the Section, shall be part of the Canadian Operational Research Society, hereinafter called the Society.

Article 2: Objectives

The objectives of the Section shall be the following:

a) Holding conferences (meetings, seminars, etc.) for the presentation of original research and application work, and providing other means for the exchange and dissemination of information on Operational Research:

b) Stimulating contact between workers engaged in Operational Research;

c) Promoting education and training in Operational Research within and outside the O.R. community:

d) Encouraging the establishment of liaisons with other Operational Research groups, within the Society or not;

e) Carrying on other activities conducive to the objectives of the Society.


By-Law No. 1: Membership – Classes, Rights and Privileges

a) The membership of the Section shall consist of Full Members, Associate Members, and Student Members as outlined in By-Law No. 1 of the Society. Those wishing to become members of the Section can do so by notifying the Secretary of either the Section or the Society, presenting a completed application form, and paying the applicable dues. All members of the Section are also members of the Society.

b) Members of the Society who wish to join the Section can do so by notifying in writing the Secretary of either the Section or the Society.

c) All members of the Section can vote and hold office in the Section.

d) A member may resign from the Section by notifying the Secretary of the Section or the Society. There shall be no refund of dues. Resignation from the Section does not release a member from his obligations to the Society, unless action is also taken under By-Law No. 2(s) of the Society’s Constitution. A member may resign from the Society by submitting a written resignation to the Secretary of the Society.

By-Law No. 2: Membership – Dues

a) Membership dues of the Section shall cover the member’s dues to the Society, together with any additional dues recommended by the council of the Section and approved by the membership at a General Meeting of the Section.

b) Dues shall be paid for membership for the fiscal year – a new member’s dues shall be pro-rated for the portion of the fiscal year remaining.

c) A member’s name shall be removed from the membership roll of the Society, after due notice has been given, if the dues of the member remain unpaid beyond six months.

By-Law No. 3: Officers and Governing Body

a) The section shall be governed by a Council consisting of:

i) The immediate past president of the Section

ii) The Officers of the Section

iii) At most four other elected members

b) The Officers of the Section shall be:

The President, The Vice-President, The Secretary, The Treasurer, and The Program Director

By-Law No. 4: Election and Tenure of Officers and Council Members

a) The Vice-President becomes President upon expiration of elected term as Vice-President, whether or not the Vice-President has become President due to the resignation of the President.

b) The Council shall appoint a Nominating Committee which shall be responsible for preparing a list of nominees for election to the Council, and for conducting an election. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, past President, and three other members, one of whom shall be designated by the Council as Chair.

By-Law No. 5: Management of the Section – Council

a) The Council shall be responsible for all matters of policy affecting the Section and the government and regulation of the Section.

b) The Council shall meet as often as is considered necessary by the President, with a minimum of two meetings per year.

c) A quorum of the Council shall consist of three Council members, at least two of whom must be Officers of the Section.

By-Law No. 6: Management of the Section – General Meetings

a) There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Section, at which the Council will present its report on the activities of the Section. The date of this meeting shall be determined by the Council.

b) Additional General Meetings of the Section may be called at such times and in such manner as determined by the Council.

c) A quorum for a General Meeting shall be one-tenth of the members of the Section or 10 members, whichever is the less.

d) Any member who is unable to attend a General Meeting may submit opinions on any issue before the meeting in writing to the Secretary, and the Secretary shall make these opinions known to the meeting.

By-Law No. 7: Management of the Section – Financial Matters

a) The fiscal year of the Section shall close on March 31st of each year, being the fiscal year end of the Society.

b) The Treasurer shall have the general supervision of the financial affairs of the Section and shall have charge of the books of account. He/she shall produce an Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year which, after proper audit, shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

c) No member of the Section shall receive remuneration for services rendered to the Section except for reasonable expenses incurred in the conduct of the Section'’ business.

d) Before proceeding with any endeavour which may strain the finances of the Section, the Council of the Section must obtain the approval of the Executive of the Society.

By-Law No. 8: Relations of the Section with the Society

a) The President of the Section shall be responsible for informing the Council of the Society of the activities of the Section, and for informing the members of the Section of the activities of the Society, as discussed by the National Council.

b) The Treasurer of the Section shall present an Annual Report to the Council of the Society which shall include the Annual Financial Statements of the Section.

c) The Section shall appoint a member of the Society to represent the Section on the Council of the Society

d) The Vice President of the Section shall be the correspondent to the Public Relations Committee of the Society.

By-Law No. 9: Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws

a) No part of the Constitution or By-Laws of the Section shall be amended or repealed except by formal proposal of amendment, followed by an opportunity for discussion at a General Meeting and by a vote of all members, which will be decided by approval of at least two thirds of those voting. Proposal of an amendment may be made by the Council or by a petition to the President signed by at least five members of the Section.

b) The Secretary shall distribute copies of the proposed amendment to all members of the Section not less than three weeks before the General Meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed.

c) Amendments to the Section Constitution and By-Laws shall be submitted to the Executive of the Society for approval and shall not be enforced or acted upon by the Section until this approval has been obtained.

By-Law No. 10: Enactment of New By-Laws

a) If it should become desirable or necessary to enact new By-Laws the provisions of By-Law No. 9 shall apply.